What levers do governments have to change the organisational culture of international companies?


Key take-aways from the recent #BetterRegulation conference organised by FIPRA and the European Justice Forum. The conference also marked the launch of a Brussels and EU chapter for the International Network for the Delivery of Regulation.

“The basic idea is to say let’s regulate through ethical culture, rather than through deterrence. Let’s have a problem-solving approach, rather than the linear approach of identifying breaches.”

“When you have a business and regulator committed to ethical business practices, the relationship between the two is ethical business regulation. Then, we need lots of regulators and businesses involved to maximize effectiveness.”

Professor Christopher Hodges, University of Oxford.

“We need to be able to regulate the future, not just today. Our approach is based on organizational performance and not just reactions to business risks. We design oversight relative to companies’ performance in managing risks. In this way, we support delivery of best regulation principles.”

Ben Alcott, International Director at the UK Civil Aviation Authority

“We have to make sure that evaluations, impact assessments and the regulations themselves are proportionate. For me, the most important thing is that we have clarity and narrative so that we can communicate to citizens what we want to do and why.”

“Ultimately, better regulation is not a technical debate — it’s about culture, ethics and values.”

Veronica Gaffey, Chair of the Regulatory Scrutiny Board (RSB) at the European Commission.

“…integrating culture, ethics and trust issues into decision making, we empower local regulators to adjust to local realities.” 

Robert Madelin, Chairman & Chief Strategist, FIPRA International

Further proceedings are available from FIPRA.

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